who we are

Who we are​

Warriors Rest was founded in 2019 to serve brave warriors, their families and communities that confront evil head on. Whether it be the fight for justice, or the truth, we know the toll it takes to be on the frontlines day in and day out. We had noticed in our own lives a serious lack of effective programing to really come alongside our own communities and it had become increasingly clear that programming alone was not what we were yearning for.

We couldn’t be “fixed” or “fix” ourselves. There wasn’t a formula. Trainings, retreats and events have their place but are unable to fill a deeper need. As we searched and discovered more and more about ourselves and what we were really yearning for, our community became stronger and healthier, and in turn we became stronger and healthier. Our community became a place of refuge, recreation and restoration.

What we had come to cherish could not simply be programmed our planned, it was learned and earned. It took intentionality, perseverance and most importantly time spent well. Time spent well can mean a lot of things. If you have a whole bunch of things to accomplish, arrange them efficiently and knock out your list, it could be considered time well spent. But if your life was to end tragically the next day and you had passed on spending the day enjoying your family, then it wasn’t time spent well.

Here lies the tension. So we diligently and passionately chase after whatever is in front of us while we deliberately and intentionally settle into each moment. We strive to do this in our own personal lives, as families, and as a community of warriors. As others come and go through Warriors Rest we are continually stretched, challenged and blessed. Some stay permanently or for long periods, some rest well then get back into the fight. Others have gone home and began their own journey with other families.

It is challenging to communicate what we are actually doing since “doing” isn’t the most important thing. We love the “being” just as much as the “doing”. Most people have said it this way, “You can’t really describe it, you just have to experience it and feel it.”

North Idaho

As we all landed in North Idaho things really began to take off as we now had time to focus and invest into our community up on the mountain off a road called Grizzly Gap. Due to its limited access and remote nature it quickly became a place of refuge, recreation, and restoration.
As we continued to learn from and spend time with our neighbors already established on the mountain, we were amazed how everyone fit right in and quickly became an integral part of what we were doing. It was easy to see how perfect this place was, this mountain and these people, to grow a community.
As we have expanded into the local community and county we have seen that some places lend themselves more to recreation, then refuge. Or more restoration then recreation. None of them are necessarily absent, they just have different functionality.
We have places that focus on the restoration of individuals and families that have endured, and also places to come alongside those that have been rescued. There are places to get away, safe, secured, and most importantly no agenda. 
Most importantly we found a town that is full of likeminded people that want to get involved with serving the least of these, the restoration of the innocent, and the pursuit of justice and the proclamation of the truth throughout the whole earth. To truly walk humbly before the one who created all things, who has good purposes for us, who has a burning passion for the lost, and wants to see his love and justice rule the earth. It is when, and only if and when, we kneel before the King and submit to him, that we truly

The Team

Neil & Danisa Dyer: Founders, Board Members, Operations

The Dyers are one of the co-founding families of Warriors Rest. Both Neil and Danisa serve on the Board and work in the day to day operations facilitating the community, and all that it is doing. A family of 7 whom have just recently retired from Naval Special Warfare. After a 20 year military career the Dyer family has experienced longer than expected deployments, even longer work ups, loss of friends/family. After many years of struggling to balance between work and home life which brought many years of pain to our marriage, Neil and Danisa found Jesus Christ to be the only hope in such a broken lifestyle, Neil and Danisa have been called to help those who have and potentially are walking the path we have known so very well. We graciously pray for those in need to find true rest and peace with us at Warriors Rest. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Josh & Alicia Rasmussen: Founders, Board Members, Operations

The Rasmussens are the other co-founding family of Warriors Rest. Both Josh and Alicia serve on the Board and work in the day to day operations facilitating the community and all that it is doing. They are always ready for an adventure with 5 spunky kiddos, including a "2 for 1 special" (identical twin boys). With over 20 years experience in outdoor programming, leadership training and team building, Josh enjoys creating spaces for relational connection and mental clarity. Along with creating thriving ecosystems for people to join in what God is doing, as they learn to be and do what He has called them to. Alicia has her hands full running the day to day of the home, while still creating art, music, and places of connections for fellow Mom's and families in the community. Romans 15:13

Doug Steinmetz: Board Member, Secretary

Doug is one of the founding Board Members. Humbly serving family, friends and those in need through Warriors Rest. Doug, with the support of his wife, they combine in the handling of administration and fundraising for the foundation on top of Biblical counseling and Life Skills leadership. With a 24 year career in the Navy, Doug is more than qualified to understand what it takes in a career in ministry, military and first responder units.

Kim Shoesmith: Board Chairman

Kim has been married to Sandi for over four decades and they have four grown children and 5 grandchildren. He has served as a teaching pastor, and has been discipling men, while working in management in corporate America and as a financial advisor. But most importantly he has had the humble privilege of seeing his life changed by Jesus Christ and his passion is for men and their families to personally experience the joy, peace, and purpose found in the forgiveness from and service to the Savior. Philippians 3:10

Dewey Youngerman: Board Member, Treasurer

Dewey Youngerman is a former USN Marine Mammal Systems Operator/Diver with EODMUTHREE NAB Coronado. While on active duty Dewey, the California sea lions and Atlantic bottlenose dolphin’s primary mission was to acquire and mitigate enemy divers and water-borne ordnance. This may sound all high-speed and low-drag but in context God had other plans brewing in the background. After a few schools in this particular training pipeline, and at the hands of a few energetically intense Spec Ops Instructors, Dewey realized he wasn’t God’s gift to the planet after all and started focusing more intently on what was really important – Jesus, Family, Country and Community. During all of this Dewey met his wife Rebecca at a small Calvary Chapel and though they kept their distance for awhile eventually were drawn together, started dating, got married and now have 76 children (technically its 8 children and 68 Foster children but they love them all the same). Many of the 8 are adopted. Early in their marriage Rebecca expressed a heartfelt desire to help children in need, in particular special-needs children. After a little prayer and listening both were on board and dove in whole-heartedly. Their primary mission was to provide a safe place for kids, show them what a functioning, dysfunctional family looks like and introduce them to Jesus at least once. Currently, the Youngerman’s are pouring their hearts into abuse victims and Vets that are hurting, enjoying family and building community ties in north Idaho.